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Houseplants witness all. They see us working until 3 am on an overdue essay, see us eating ramen straight from the pot, see us weeping over cheesy films, etc. How bored they must be with our noisy lives!


What would they say if they could interrupt, ask for what they need, reject us, and break our view of them as passive objects?

Would they be as cruel to us as we are to ourselves?

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Mr. Houseplant's Circuit.

Houseplant, adafruit waveshield, sd card, adafruit capacative touch sensing breakout board, foil, solid core wire, beradboard, arduino uno.

10" x 5".

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Transforming a plant into a touch sensor.

When contact with the body is made, the circuit is completed.

Arduino code treats this as a "button push", which triggers an "output" (in this photo, output is the red LED lighting up; in final project, output is the plant's voice).

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Final installation.

© 2023 by Odam Lviran. Proudly created with

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